Shredding is a phase of bodybuilding in which a person goes on a strict regime to cut down the body fat percentage in one’s body. People try to lower their fat percentages to single digits, generally this process is done after bulking for a more defined muscle definition so that they can get to see the muscles clearly.
People do not need to be a bodybuilder to get the results, even an average person can see massive differences in only 6 weeks. If you are new to the concept of shredding be sure to read the whole article to get details and pointers on the dos and don’ts of shredding.
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Let’s discuss how shredding works?
Calories are the most heard term by people when they want to lose weight and rightfully so, calories are units of energy that are used by the body to generate heat or in normal terms, to keep the body running. When we start to consume more calories than the body is burning, then the body stores the extra units of energy in the form of fat cells.
Yes, fat is just stored energy, to make your body tap into the stored energy you have to start feeding the body fewer calories than it is burning. This process in the fitness industry is known as a calorie deficit. When you start to engage in light or moderate activity and curb excess food, the body craves more energy for muscle recovery and normal functioning and taps into the stored energy hence burning fat even after the workouts. The activity also increases the body’s metabolism which means that the body digests food at a quicker rate. Now as you know what shredding is about, let’s discuss some commonly asked questions –
How Can I Shred Muscles Fast?
Shredding to see muscle definition depends on a case by case for every individual. A person who has more than 40% body fat will have a different shredding process than a person who has 20% body fat.
Let us see some steps towards shredding that are universal to all –
- Start Lean – Here is the tough truth for all the readers, if you don’t see any definition in your abdomen area currently, you need to get your body fat down first. The process mainly means to get your body to lose the excess water weight. If your belly is more than your hips, then it is going to take more than a month to cut down the fat levels in your body.
- Do the math – As you will already be following a diet to get lean, you will be knowing how much you have to eat to maintain the deficit. Still, for reference some numbers are being mentioned, consume 1 gram of protein and 10-11 calories for every pound of body weight, 20% of those calories should be from fat and the remaining should be from carbs.
For example, a 200-pound guy (90kg) should consume approx. 200 grams of protein, he will be consuming 2000-2200 calories per day. This is required for him to sustain the daily lifestyle.
- Eliminate Allergens – Milk, bread, and artificial sweeteners may have helped you to lose body fat even when you were on a diet. But for a week cut these out entirely even if you don’t have an intolerance towards them. The reason this step has been suggested is that even the slightest allergy may cause bloating and water retention in the stomach hence it’s being advised to eliminate all risks. Many products have gluten or dairy products as their ingredients. It is advised to read the labels before consuming a food item.
- Bulk Up Your Muscles – This tip is for readers preparing for competitions. It’s advised to stop working out three days prior to the event. The reason is that muscles bulge up the most when they flush in with glycogen, so it’s advised to let the body replenish its glycogen stores.
People should train the muscle groups they want to highlight the most as then on the big day those areas will have more definition. It’s advised to not work on abs and do cardio as abs do not swell like chest and biceps. It’s best to leave them alone as recovery may cause them to look bloated, thereby decreasing definition. - Keep Up Your Carbs – Eat two to three grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. If you workout at night and it’s hard to eat enough carbohydrates before bed, you should break the total and eat the majority of the carbs at night. Insulin sensitivity stays high for 48 hours after exercise, so glycogen is already going through the muscles.
When the muscle glycogen reserves are full, they will stay this way for days, as long as no further strength training is done. Allow modifications of 25–50 grams at a time. - Stay Hydrated – Most people stop drinking water to get rid of water weight but the body reacts oppositely, the body retains the eater in the cells to avoid dehydration. Keep water levels normal and carry out day to day activities, if you are preparing for a competition then cut down the water intake on the night before the competition.
- HIIT – It stands for High-intensity interval training. It is a type of workout which involves high bursts of exercises and adds a little rest in between them to keep the heart rate up. Studies have shown that this form of training helps to burn 30% more calories than other types of workouts.
- Increase the Consumption of Vinegar – This might sound a little weird but research has proven that vinegar has helped in heart health, blood sugar and promotes fat burning. A 2018 study proves that consuming 1-2 tablespoon of vinegar has helped people in reducing weight and also reducing inches from the waistline.
- Boost Up Protein Intake – Protein is just treated as a supplement, but it’s more than a supplement. It helps to curb your appetite and keep you full for a longer time.
- Bye-Bye Soda And Booze – Soda’s and booze contains lots of unwanted calories, booze is also one of the main culprits in this area, it lowers your inhibitions making you promote unhealthy choices. It is best if these are kept out of your diet if you want results to appear for the time and effort put in by you.
As we have discussed the various things which you can change in your daily life that can aid the process of shredding, there is one more thing that can drastically help you to shed that extra fat in your body.
Yes, we are talking about fat burning supplements, no don’t frown upon the mention of supplements. Supplements are generally considered taboo in the general consumer’s mind; in the next part we are going to discuss the effect of fat burning supplements.
They are not as evil as they are portrayed.
Do Muscle Toning Supplements Work?
Well yes and no. Some supplements do aid you in the process and have no side effects and some supplements tweak your body’s chemistry to get results but often have a lot of side effects.
Some supplements have natural ingredients that help in the fat burning process and will not adversely affect the body if taken in small doses. As the ingredients in the supplements have been scientifically proven to help the body burn fat naturally.
It’s very essential to understand the dosages in which we can consume the supplements as even though the manufacturers have ingredients listed most of the time, but many a times ingredients and their proportions are not listed on the package.
This can be a recipe for disaster, let’s look at five scientifically backed fat burning substances that can be of great help.
- Caffeine – Although dangerous in high dosages, normal consumption of caffeine is of great help if one wants to boost his/her metabolism. It contains antioxidants which give a lot of health benefits.
In 2019 a peer-reviewed study proved that caffeine intake will promote weight, BMI, and fat loss. - Green Tea Extract – One of the most well-known fat burning ingredients is green tea, various studies have proven that green tea helps in the weight loss process while also having antioxidants, green tea has a substance called catechin which is the real strong ingredient to aid in the weight loss process. It helps in accelerating metabolism and thermogenesis which allows your body to burn fat and create energy.
- Protein Powder – As discussed earlier, protein helps in boosting metabolism and suppresses hunger with the hormone called ghrelin. A 2017 study shows that people who have a high protein diet experience more weight loss than people who are not having enough protein in a day. One should consume at least 20-25 grams of protein in a day.
- Soluble fiber – There are two types of fibers, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps to create GLP-1 which is a gel like substance, that helps in suppressing appetite and curbing cravings.
- Yohimbine – The tree Pausinystalia Yohimbe’s bark gives us this ingredient. It is a famous aphrodisiac with fat-burning potential. This ingredient blocks neurotransmitters like alpha-2 adrenergic receptors to which adrenaline normally binds, which means it helps the adrenaline stay in your body longer which helps in the fat-burning process.
In 2006, there was a small study on 20 soccer players who reported a drop of 2.2% body fat by consuming yohimbine, this may sound less but it is significant if you are a fit athlete with low body fat, to begin with.
So now that you have an idea which ingredients are good for fat loss, the next question might be which supplement is the best for the cutting fats
Numerous companies are offering numerous products all claiming to be natural with no side effects. As a consumer it is very confusing to choose the best out of the lot, we took this dilemma and reviewed many supplements and the best one is mentioned below.
Let’s talk about the best fat burning supplement that is out there.
What Is The Best Supplement For Shredding Fat?
PrimeShred, those of you into hardcore shredding have already heard about this ultimate supplement for shredding. Those of you who have not, we are going to discuss all of it so don’t worry.
What is PrimeShred?

PrimeShred is a nutritional supplement sold online through its official website. The supplement claims to shred fat and help you drop to single-digit body fat percentages to get the lean look that everyone wishfully desires. It does so without losing muscle mass and energy.
It uses a high-powered formula to achieve the results, it’s vegan and the ingredients used are clinically backed and supported with facts and figures. The parent company of PrimeShred is based out on the UK which discloses all the ingredients and dosages upfront. They are so confident about their product that they offer a 100-day return policy.
So, let’s take a closer look at how PrimeShred works?
The supplement claims to target three fat burning process of the body-
- Accelerates Body’s Own Fat Burning Process– PrimeShred increases thermogenesis which accelerates the body’s metabolic rate, this means that the body naturally burns more fat.
- Activates Special Fat-Burning Hormones – PrimeShred activates fat-burning hormones to help break down stubborn belly fat. How this works is, the hormones activate the fat cells to release the stored fatty acids into the bloodstream thereby allowing your body to burn this fat away for good.
- Amplifies Energy and Focus – A normal diet of cutting leaves you burned out and out of energy. PrimeShred on the other hand helps you lose weight by retaining the energy in your body.
Also, it contains nootropic ingredients that support mental clarity and helps you keep focus while shredding and also retains physical energy
A Blend like Never Before, Tap to Visit PrimeShred Official.
Ingredients that Distinguish PrimeShred from other Fat Burners?
So, what are the ingredients helping in the fat burning process and making PrimeShred different from other fat burning supplements in the market?
- Green Tea Extract (500 mg) – As discussed in the article above, this ingredient is very potent for fat burning. It uses natural chemicals like EGCG to boost metabolism. This chemical is linked to fat burning and fostering to overall health in multiple studies.
- DMAE (150 mg) – This ingredient improves focus, alertness, and mental performance.
- Green Coffee (100 mg)- This ingredient has almost the same chemical composition as the green tea extract, it helps by increasing metabolism and thermogenesis, which is the body’s natural fat-burning system. This compound also helps you to stay energised and keep you focused. It has traces of chlorogenic acids which greatly aids in the weight loss process.
- L-Tyrosine (300 mg) – Another nootropic ingredient, it also enhances your focus, alertness, and concentration by targeting neurotransmitters.
- L-Theanine (250 mg) – This ingredient complements the caffeine in PrimeShred. It reduces the number of carbs and fats your body absorbs while you eat. Along with that, it also helps in boosting metabolism.
- Vitamins B– The supplement contains vitamins B3, B6, and B12 in the quantities of 15,1.3 and 24 mg respectively. Vitamins are essential for energy production.
- Rhodiola Rosea Root (250 mg) – This ingredient aids in the fat burning process by activating an enzyme that breaks down stored fat, it improves energy levels and enhances performance by increasing oxygen transportation in your muscles.
- Caffeine (225 mg) – PrimeShred contains 225 mg of caffeine, which increases the metabolism and stimulates the burning of fat. Caffeine is one of the most popular, well-proven, and common fat burners available today.
There is approximately 80 mg to 125 mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee, so a 225 mg dose of caffeine is a kicker dosage, as particularly you are taking PrimeShred at once. - Cayenne Pepper (200 mg) – This ingredient contains a natural ingredient called capsaicin, which has proven to fire up metabolism, increase thermogenesis, and lower body fat percentage.
All the Mentioned Ingredients when put together form a PrimeShred capsule which then is put in a vegetable capsule with hypromellose (a natural polymer and fiber) being used to bind the ingredients together.

Scientific Evidence For PrimeShred
The product contains a lot of fat-burning ingredients, the manufacturers also disclose the correct amount of the dosages making it easier for the consumer to get the correct information for the supplement.
Clinics have researched ingredients like caffeine and have reported that it won’t help you slim down on all its own, but when combined with diet and exercise it helps in boosting metabolism, which is linked to weight loss and fat loss.
Ingredients like cayenne pepper will help you suppress appetite; hence those cravings will be in check. Studies have shown that taking half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper will help you burn 10 additional calories per hour.
Green coffee bean extract is also popular for weight loss, almost every quality supplement for fat loss contains this ingredient. This supplement helps to lower blood pressure and lose weight. Green tea extracts have been known to cut down belly fat and have also been proven to do it with all safety and no side effects.
The other ingredients in PrimeShred include vitamins, as there are no vegetarian options that provide vitamin B12, people need to consume multivitamins. B12 plays a key role in boosting energy in the body which helps you to optimize your workouts.
Many diets and fat loss pills have the aforementioned ingredient combinations but in the wrong dosages. This is where PrimeShred differentiates itself from other sources, it has a strong dosage of all the ingredients in the right quantity.
Pricing And Returns –
One bottle of PrimeShred costs around $50 per bottle, with discounts available for ordering in bulk. –
- 1 bottle $59.99 + 7.95 shipping
- 3 bottles $119.98 + Free shipping
- 6 bottles $179.97 + Free shipping
Each bottle contains 90 capsules (30 servings), with 3 capsules required a day, one bottle is going to last you 30 days. Also, the company offers a 100-day money-back guarantee.
Click Here to buy the PrimeShred Risk-Free from its Official Website.
What about the Side Effects of PrimeShred?
The truth is that this supplement is made out of all-natural ingredients and in doses that are recommended by health institutes and hence have no recorded side effects to date.
If you are currently not consuming any supplements, you should consult your physician for possible allergies to be on the safer side. To date, all the consumers of PrimeShred seem happy and have reported no side effects whatsoever.
Ella A. (UK)
PrimeShred contains all the ingredients that you need to shred fat and build muscle and get shredded quick. If you are looking for a fat shredder that has no side effects, then PrimeShred is what you are looking for. It’s a powerful diet supplement and fat shredder pill that will aid you in your journey of fat loss and will help you see the results quicker.
Overall, I recommend PrimeShred as a good dietary supplement for those who are on a weight loss diet. It contains only natural ingredients, so there are no negative side effects. It will also help in building lean muscle mass quickly.
Abigail S. (USA)
I took it for about 3 weeks and lost 10 pounds while feeling great. I can already feel the difference in my body and my confidence has also improved. It’s an awesome product and it’s safe to say that I would give it 5 stars if I could. Overall, I highly recommend PrimeShred to everyone who wants to achieve optimal health and lose weight.
Final Word –
PrimeShred is a powerful diet and fat shredder pill, it will aid you in your journey of fat loss and will help you see the results quicker. Remember it is a supplement and will only aid you in the process not work for you, you will still have to make efforts to lose weight.
It has a money-back guarantee and has an all-natural ingredient base, it does its job effectively and has no reported side effects, it is clinically backed and scientifically correct. Hence, this makes it one of the best supplements in the market and is our pick for the readers.